7 月 28 2016 0

Health is Wealth

How many of us actually give importance to our health and do regular checks? How many of us allocate time for exercise?
How many of us watch our diet? For all we know, many of us may have overlooked these.

Therefore, as an effort to create health awareness among employees of Infinity, a health screening program was organized. This program was conducted by the National Kidney Foundation of Malaysia (NKF). A total of 106 employees were screened and counselled on their health. As part of the program, a talk on diabetes was presented by one of the NKF personnel.

Infinity took the opportunity as well to promote on organ donation as Malaysia has among the highest number of patients requiring dialysis in the world and approximately half of them are eligible for a kidney transplant. A small booth was set up and a number of employees seized the opportunity to become a donor.

With this effort, we believe that employees will be more vigilant over their health.

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